Holistic and Integrative Pelvic Floor Therapy

At Emily Stanley Wellness, we focus on comprehensive pelvic floor care. Whether it's bladder or bowel health, pelvic pain, pregnancy, postpartum issues, or proactively maintaining a healthy pelvic floor throughout a woman's lifespan, we're dedicated to your well-being.

By considering the interconnectedness of the pelvic floor with other systems in the body, an integrative approach seeks to promote overall well-being and improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing pelvic floor-related challenges.

What is integrative pelvic floor therapy?

I'm Emily, a pelvic floor therapist specializing in integrative care and corrective exercise.

I blend conventional and holistic approaches to address root causes for lasting results. 


  • 1 on 1

    Starting with a personalized evaluation, we craft a tailored treatment plan focused on your unique symptoms and goals.

  • Workshops

    Exercise Focused Pelvic Floor

    Pregnancy Pelvic Floor

    Postpartum Pelvic Floor

  • Birth Prep

    The birth preparation program is designed to ready individuals for labor and childbirth.

  • Classes

    60 minute exercise classes designed to help you discover effective strategies for safeguarding your pelvic floor.